Saturday, July 28, 2007

How To Make Money for Free ~ 2 Simple Methods To Online Cash That Anyone Can Do ~ WITHOUT Spending A Single Penny …Ever!

Question: Who gets sucked into all the hype and fast-talk about making millions, online, overnight, “while you sleep” faster than the Desperate-for-Cash person who hasn’t got a cracker?

Answer: Nobody!

So, even if you are not yet “Desperate,” (or don’t want to admit it) if YOU need money (like yesterday), want to make some cash online, and don’t have any spare loot stashed to get yourself started… relax. This report is free and the methods to make money for free that I am going to tell you about will not cost you so much as a brass razoo.

Put your overworked, tired old, maxed out credit card away! And your shiny new debit card. You won’t need them here.

Because I have tossed the old “Catch-22” of needing to spend it to make it right out the window, and you can put your mind into full focus on what I’m about to tell you here, instead of wondering when I’m going to get around to how much it’s really going to cost you. It’s not. OK?

Heck, you don’t even need to have your own computer! Use one at the local library for free, or an internet cafĂ© for a couple of bucks an hour till you can afford one, if you have to. Anyone can find a way to do this.

These Ways to Wealth need not cost you a cent ...Ever! And while you may well (and probably WILL, and I recommend you DO) choose to use some of your earnings to accelerate and expand your income in the future, the fact is, you don’t HAVE to. You can actually create an income where you outlay nothing and continue to grow your cash earnings on an ongoing basis, totally free, if you want to. Your choice.

OK – here we go.

Method #1:

Open your own online name brand products mall. Believe it or not, you can actually have a shopping mall online, with thousands of Name Brand goods for sale, to people worldwide, with full training and support for ABSOLUTELY no cost.

Sounds incredible, but this is 100% true blue! You get your own, personal website, fully set up with your own mall containing literally thousands of top name brand products for people to buy online from all around the world! This mall is growing at a rapid rate, both in sales to customers online and in the number of merchants, and goods and services, available to the mall members. more info.

Method #2:

Open your own online digital products mall. Yes, here’s another style of mall you can set up for yourself just as easily, and with all the support and training resources you could want. Again, at zero outlay, no cost, nada, zilch, freeeeee.

Equally incredible, yet equally true, and growing equally quickly! You get your own, personal website, fully set up with your own mall containing top quality ebooks, software programs, and other digital products for instant downloading by people, around the clock, around the world. All for no financial outlay for you! more info.

So there you have it. Two very easy ways to make money for free online with no cash outlay required unless and until you choose to. Work smart and start with one program at a time. Once you are comfortable with the first, then start the second. It sounds odd, but this is truly the quickest way to generate the highest return.

You can work from home at any hour of the day or night that fits with your schedule. You can spend just a couple of hours a week up to full time, depending on your circumstances. Old people, young people, sick people, people with physical challenges… it doesn’t matter who you are. If you need some cash… what are you waiting for? Go get it!!!

… And just to help you build your way to lasting financial freedom, so you will never be in this position again, join my Investment Buddies network, where I help you to turn your finances around. There’s lots of information, more ways to generate income, even a downloadable ebook for you …and yep, you guessed it, that’s free too!

Now, go make yourself some money and start having some fun! You DESERVE it. Oh, and please feel free to email me if you need any help… it will be my pleasure!

© Taylor Adams, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Here's a survey...

People ask about money issues all the time, and it seems the most common questions all relate to getting out of debt, having enough money to live a comfortable lifestyle on present income, and what people will do to support themselves when they retire, or if their income stops for some other reason.

It is of critical importance that we each of us have money to care for ourselves, a "Plan B" to fall back on, not to mention building up our financial security for the future, and can sleep restfully at night, knowing we are secure...

So, I want to know: What's most important right now to YOU.

Please participate in the survey in the column at the left, and let me know what's your burning issue. If the question is not asked in the survey, send me an email with your question to and I'll include it in my report, which will be published here in July 31.

Find out what else you can do to Get Paid Today