Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Law of Attraction: Why Creating a HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT is Essential to Success Online

We hear so much about the Law of Attraction these days, as people attest to the miraculous changes they have experienced as a result of practicing the Law in daily life; and we also hear of people claiming it is all a hoax; a scam; that they tried it and it didn't work - or worse, they got what they did NOT want...

As with many things, when it comes to the Law of Attraction, a little knowledge can be a 'dangerous' thing.

A lesser-known Law also applies when engaging the Law of Attraction, and that is the principle I call the "Law of Hostile Environments." It is the PUSH that goes with the PULL, the yin that goes with the yang of attraction.

How it works is this... When you want to draw something to you, you also need to repel the undesired from you. You need to push what you want towards you as well as pull it towards you. Implicit in each side of the push/pull equation is its opposite.

Remember Newton's Law of Relativity, which states "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." So when you are concentrating solely on attracting a desired outcome towards you, remember: you are also creating an equal and opposite reaction!

Now, I'm not setting you up here – what I am saying is that, knowing this, you are now in a position to focus on the implications of the changes you are setting up. They can work with you or against you. It is up to you to get smart about this and manage both sides of the issue to your advantage. You can create a synergistic effect that is greater than the sum of the parts, and 'turbo-charge' your attracting!

And this is where creating a Hostile Environment comes in. It's utilizing the Law of Relativity in a skilful and subtle way to take advantage of that Law to enhance the effects of the Law of Attraction. Don't worry; it's easier than it sounds.

Let me give you an example: Suppose you have a situation you want to change. Let's say you have a health problem you wish to be rid of. (All medical issues aside for a moment, please). You decide you want to help things along by using the Law of Attraction to attract better health into your life.

You visualize yourself being fit and healthy. You create visions of a vibrant, energetic, enthusiastic you who is capable of taking life in your stride, robustly healthy and immune to disease or ill health. You concentrate on these images for 15 minutes night and morning, as well as at odd times throughout the day, when you remember.

For the most part, you go about your life and activities in your customary manner. This will include hundreds or maybe thousands of thoughts about being sick, dwelling on your health problems, being aware of the pain you are suffering, remembering to take your medications, having treatments, and the idiosyncracies of your particular condition.

Nevertheless, you do actually notice some improvements.

Then, as your health improves, you gradually discontinue the attraction techniques, and slowly your condition returns to its former state. You decide the Law of Attraction probably works better for other people whose problems are less severe than yours, or related to something else (like money) instead, and therefore easier to fix.

Well, stop right there and listen to this.

What if, along with your visualizations and attraction techniques, you also engaged the Law of Relativity and capitalised on the energy of the opposite reaction as well?

How would you do this? One way would be to create a Hostile Environment. You could care for and nourish your body in a way that promoted good health and was HOSTILE TO DISEASE! Thereby creating a push which was away from the undesired and towards the desired. In this case, away from disease and towards good health.

You make sure you get adequate rest, some gentle exercise as you take a stroll every evening, and you increase the fresh lively foods your body loves and reduce the processed, synthesised, lifeless (dead) foods...

It is a known fact that certain diseases require particular environments to exist within the body, for them to take hold, and flourish. Therefore, by changing your body’s biochemical environment by changing the substances that fuel it, the necessary conditions for the disease to survive are altered. Your body becomes increasingly hostile to the disease, it is unable to survive and slowly perishes. As this happens, you get well.

When you think about it, you will realise that this is simply turning the tables from your current state where you have created a Hostile Environment to good health, and enabled disease to run rampant in your body.

Armed with knowledge as powerful as this, just think of the things you can change in your life. The ways you can pack some power into the Law of Attraction and get maximum benefit from it.

You can create Hostile Environments to disease in general and specific conditions, to poverty, debt and financial hardship, to lack of love and ailing relationships, and literally any area of your life that is not as you would wish it to be. You could apply the Law of Hostile Environments with equal ease and effect to become debt free with plenty of money, have satisfying, fulfilling relationships, and more.

And a final word: When you’ve found what works – KEEP DOING THAT! It’s like breathing. You have to keep doing it. One breath will not last you a lifetime. Feed your changes every day and they (you) will thrive!

Taylor Adams © 2007

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